
Shipping times can vary. You will receive an email confirmation along with tracking once your order is on its way to you.

Currently we only ship to the United States. Check back with us soon, as we are working on expanding our shipping worldwide.

Shipping is free within the United States!

The Hanger

The hangers are assembled and stitched in the United States.

The velvet is delicate and should be handled with care. Use a sticky sheet lint roller to remove any lint or dust. If a stain occurs, use steam and a cloth to try to remove the stain. Do not use any harsh chemicals as they can ruin the velvet.

The hanger can hold up to 18 pounds. Anything more can damage the hanger.

We provide additional customization through our Concierge Services for a slight fee. We will do our best to work with you to create your dream heirloom. Visit our Concierge page to learn more.

The Heirlūm Hanger is designed to fit many types of dresses; however, each dress is different and fit can vary.

The hanger will allow only up to 20 characters. This will also vary on the spacing of the characters.

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